Cultural Literacy

Please use the Cultural Literacy Worksheet Google Doc to share comments, ideas, and/or suggest resources.


  • Multicultural Understanding

  • Working and getting along well with people from other places and subcultures

  • Gender understanding

  • Using appropriate register and code switching

  • Linguistic cultural challenges: World Englishes, Usage differences, etc

  • Pop, Indie, and Traditional, Sports and Entertainment around the world



Language Learning Resources

Discussion Questions

  • What is cultures and sub-cultures do you consider yourself to be part of?

  • In what ways have you personally experienced multiculturalism in your home countries and in other countries?

  • Would you consider marrying someone who is non-Korean or mixed race? How would you parents feel? Would it be OK if your children did? Would their nationality or race matter?

  • How do your feelings about multiculturalism differ from older and younger generations (e.g. parents , grandparents, and children)?

  • What are your first memories of meeting non-Koreans?

  • How would you describe the ‘Korean mindset’ concerning mixed race children? How would you compare Korean attitudes concerning racism and ethnic diversity to other countries?

  • What differences/challenges have you experienced in communicating with people of the opposite gender (family, friends, co-workers, etc.)?

  • What have you noticed about how homogeneous groups of men and groups of men communicate differently?

  • How do you communicate differently when interacting with a man or woman of your own culture?

  • How do you communicate differently when interacting with a man or woman of a different culture?

  • What have you noticed about culture based differences in gender communication styles?
    (e.g. Korean women vs. Western women, Busan men vs. Seoul men)

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